C (169/254)

From:Stefan Schulze
Date:14 Apr 00 at 12:21:15
Subject:Re: StormC and headers...

Hi Joris,

Du warst am 13-Apr-00 an Deinem Rechner und schriebst �ber [amiga-c] StormC
and headers...:

> I am driving myself completely crazy using StormC... Btw i got back to
> Storm2 becuase i think that version 3 is completely rubbish for me. But the
> following problem did i have with both versions.
> It's al about headers files and stuff..

> I don't know how to work with those damn header files, even my ansi-c book
> doesn't tell me really how it works..

simple as that:


extern void Something(); // Says that your function exists but somewhere else

int main() {

Something(); // Calls your function



void Something(); // Declares a function prototype, not really necessary in C

void Something() {
// Do all your stuff


Nothing more.

BTW, don't include ".c" files, they'll be compiled twice. If you have already
included the file in your project, it will be automatically compiled and
linked if it has changed.

An include instruction simply inserts the file at that position.

Bye, Stefan.

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